Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Just Soaring in Life

     It's been some time since I've written, it's been hard to find time these days.   My riding has been divided between 2 wheels and 4 legs.    The race season ( on 2 wheels ...hehehe)  is just about coming to a close.  To be completely honest the season was a bit disappointing to me to say the least, although I think I might be harder on myself than I should be.  I've accomplished far more feats this year than I've ever thought imaginable.  I should be pleased with what I've accomplished.  Although towards the end of the season I've missed some races that I had planned on attending.  For that I am disappointed, but life happens and we have to be glad for what we were able to do.  

     The end of the season has brought some new life tho... I've met a handful of new cyclists.  In the past my rides have been all about the miles, the speed, the technique.  This time is has changed a bit.  I started to venture out with new ideas.   I've reached out to a number of new cyclist and also joined some cyclist that I had never joined before.  They've ranged from 16 and 18 years old boys ( what was I thinking... no only kidding Greyson!!!!, so glad we spin together, you have great energy) then there is the newby that didn't bring a spare tube,  to a recent group of, well as we laughed about it... "A diverse gathering of cyclist"... The retired IRS agent, the lawyer, the retired " IT wizard " and me, miss fashionista.  Again tons of fun as we talked about our lives, careers, bucket list, etc..... as we pedal round and round, enjoying life right in front of us, breathing in the air...

    Not sure what this winter will bring.  I suppose I need to get my layers out again. Still deciding whether I start training for the goal of Saratoga 12/24 or not. Yes, Ralph I know.. hehe... I know.. the book ( BTW, that meant so much to me about my words and what I have to say and share)   But until then, my time in the wind, reaching a goal or just soaring in life... and why do I continue to push the limits, because I can... and it feels great!


Monday, August 27, 2012

Street Graffiti: A cyclist interpretation

Today Ralph, I and 2 other people marked the route for a local tour here.  The tour is 25 or 50 miles long and set up for all levels of biker, we did the 50 miles route.   It is a fund raiser for the Tourette Syndrome Association of Greater New York State, on September 23rd, 2012.  Our ride today was fun for sure and a chance to get out.  And I'm thrilled to say I beat my time speed record!!!!!  46.6 mph!!!  NICE!!!! and it was fun!!!! Ralph talked me thru the start of the descent, strategizing where I would hit the turns, where I would push it... and what to watch for... etc.  And it worked as he took off and I followed in pursuit!!!  Yeash that one is going to be hard to beat :/.  The ride took a bit longer as we alternated stopping along the way to re-mark the route at all the turns.   Just about 4 hours 50miles with stops along the way.   Last year Ralph added a few phrases along the way. Gotta love him!!!!  A little inspiration along the way I call it; 

Life is a journey
Enjoy the ride

I smile every time I ride by....

A cyclist interpretation of street graffiti.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Vacation and All

The temperatures here have been in the mid 90 with what seems like 90% humidity.  No seriously though the humidity is lingering in and about 70% the last few weeks.  The air so thick I could cut it with a knife ( I couldn't resist the cliche..hehehe)  I've been running though through this trying to prepare for my duatholon in September again. Can't say that I'm getting any faster at all as the heat and humidity serves as a muscle relaxer and I find myself slowing at every half mile, as I try to wipe the  "perspiration" off my forehead so my eyes will stop burning from the salt.  Must have been the brie cheese I had last night.. hehe  I finish the sad 3.5 miles and like a magnet I slow my run to a walk the direction of the pool.  I've been dipping frequently after my runs as a way to lower my body temperature.  I take my sneakers off and walk willingly into what I would call an ice cold bath.
In I go,  not so bad.  It take a few minute to get use to it and them continue on to swimming a few laps.  Grabbed my new "nike" goggles ( hahaha) secured them tightly... and off I went... I like my new goggles of course I look dorky, next thing I'll be wearing one of those head caps...  Gosh....don't worry, you'll never see me in one of those...  Yes, the goggles are a new addition as I kind of got a bit of the Olymipic bug.  Can't help but suggest that perhaps, when I put those goggles on, I feel official and perhaps "feel" a bit faster... hahaha.. Although as I stop to pant every 2 laps I get reminded I'm no Olympic athlete.. hahaha... 

A side note, I'm hoping maybe the next sport I pick to participate in will have a cooler outfit  and or accessories... :/  I'm thinking beach volleyball... haha....  bathingsuits Check cool, Glasses check cool, hat check cool. haha...   Don't get me wrong my passion for cycling is untouched but I would love to wear an outfit with more "cool" fashion sense... Although most pieces of the "outfit" are necessary and needed.   Even those bib shorts :/!!!  Have you ever tried to ride with a pair of shorts that were just a tad bit short wasted.   Well it is not a pleasant feeling as you've realized you picked the wrong shorts to wear on your 50 miles ride with the pack.  Too late to turn around as they'll have way to far of a head start, and you'll never catch up.   I'm sure it is much worse than I'm letting on but for anyone that has done that... It is a hard lesson to learn as for the next 3 hours your preoccupied with the thought that the cars passing by are getting a free show as you put your hand on your lower back to make sure your not exposed in anyway...  HAHAH.... ahhhhhh  Bib shorts... what a beautiful thing... and let's not even get into the pads...  I did a long ride without them once.. hummm Well let me tell you there was not a reward for me at the end of that one...

How did I get off track here??... Anyway finished my laps, not really sure how many as I don't keep track.   I enjoy the swimming as it helps me to work out my arms and back which are virtually ignored in my running and biking.  I also find that it helps with my left shoulder pain that I've been dealing with the last 6 months or so.

I stop and roll to a float, arm over my head, with my hand grasping the opposite elbow.  A very comfortable position as I wrap my legs and bend my knees.  My head is submerged in the water except for my mouth, nose and eyes.  I notice what an amazing feeling of quiet. Just the sound of the water filter pushing out water with an occasional  bubble of air, and of course I can hear my breathing.   I breathe in and them out as my body floats to the top and then lowers as I slowly let the air out until I'm just about to take in water I breathe again and up I go.  I repeated this 2 dozen times until my body and mind have come to a final calm and cool place.

No stats for this training ( not sure if I could even call it training, let's call it maintenance.) What I learned and have been learning the last 4 weeks?  That it's okay to not always have a goal in mind, a time to beat, a distance to reach...  ALL of the time.  Let's call this summer vacation for the mind and body....

Ralph and I are doing the August Century this Tuesday, will warm up with a ride on Monday and then off we go to Rhinebeck, NY.. Humm do you think Ralph's incorporated stops for the antique barns???  Not sure if I can pass those and not stop!!!! Ralph????

Ride is mapped below for anyone interested in the route. hummm.. I need to look this one over.. I asked for mercy on the climbs...  I feel a bit out of practice... being on "vacation" and all.. heheheh


Thursday, August 2, 2012

Packing malfunction

It's been almost 2 weeks since I've hit the road.  A new record, perhaps not the best, but real none the less.  Today spent most of my day carting the twins from one place to another.  My ride this morning was cancelled with a new B- rider, female.  I think this could be the start of something good, met 2 riders, who would have figured,  on the check out line at our local grocery store.  They're both riders and I joined in and happened to make 2 new friends.  Anyway... We plan to start riding after she returns from vacation.  So back to the packing malfunction.  Got a call about 6:00 pm in a panic that apparently she forgot an extra set of under garments after a day at the pool.  Mommy to the rescue... although not willing to turn the key and yet burn more gas... whats 12 miles... a trip to the end of the driveway.  I gather the "goods", my geeky helmet and snap on... What I thought would be an easy way to get my ass back on the road with a leisurely ride, turned out to be a challenge of the wits and perhaps a meeting of he minds. I've had a lot on my mind lately... and it came out on my ride. Slow to start yet, as the passion run thru my veins, became a reawakening... I pushed hard, talked to myself... as I often do, no singing this time, no tears just challenges to be discussed. haha.... Weird I know, but it was so needed.  Average of 16 mph... good by all counts... Ralph would be proud.  Although don't tell him... heheh... not many climbs... shhhh....still good ????  Bottom line had a good talk with myself... this place of refuge never lets me down... perhaps the extra endorphins, who knows... but they feel good,  The wind felt good, even the car passing by,  the sun was starting to set, the shadows were good, the glaze of the sun, just perfect... My passion, my refuge..

Monday, July 23, 2012

UMCA article

     I saw the new article "Riding towards Something" that came out in UMCA today, the link is listed on this blog.  It was such an amazing feeling to actually be included and highlighted along side such extraordinary people and athletes.  I've only touch on a small part of cycling, the drive and determination that it actually takes to do ultra cycling.   It was a huge honor to say the very least.
 I never really set out to be in this place, cycling just kind of fell into place for me.  With the encouragement Ralph, he has been a huge part in my cycling journey.  He pushed me along in so many ways I can't even begin to explain, even in the funniest ways....  heheh... only he knows the inside joke of that!!!! I'll tell everyone the joke sometime...although it still happens on those big climbs!!!   This place though that I say I'm in, I'll explain.  When I started cycling it was all about me... my refuge,  my place, where I could ride like the wind... A place a cry, a place to dream, a place to challenge myself at things I never thought I could do.. It is still like that but, for some reason it has become more.. and now it has to do with others.  As I first told my story, I never realized how it would affect people, from the first group of people that chose me for the scholarship to the writers at The Poughkeepsie journal when they first interviewed me about Battenkill, to people that have actually come up to me and told me how my story really touched them.  How they're reaching for something better, maybe not cycling but something that they've lost in their lives.  I never in my wildest thoughts ever though that my journey would have ever been so important to others.  It's given truly a new meaning to "riding towards something".  I'm not the fastest, hell I just like to not be the last... but it's not really about that.   I ride weekly with a friend ( this time on a horse not 2 wheels ) and he asked me how I did on the recent race.  I told him of my disappointments but we had a great talk.  He's in his 70's and is an amazing man... He does most everything with extraordinary passion.  He spoke to me about his experiences in different sports and he told me that it has to stay about you and your personal goals. Not about winning and where you ranked that time.. When it gets to be like that, it's no longer worth it, it's no longer fun. And life needs to be fun!!! It's too short!  It needs to be about the adventure, not about the the end reward.  Because I've realized the reward is not always at the end.   It's the moments of getting there that are the most important..... not about the podium...   Although Ralph still has high hopes for me... hehe... Ralph's commented on my article "Being part of history is way cool ! Stay the course."  He is part of it... he's that invisible bungie cord I always say I need.... The funny thing is...  bungie cord... needing??...I already have it and I always did...   I guess he believes somehow,  someway I'm here to make a difference.  I hope so... and that does bring me to where I am... my story... I never thought so many people would read it... enjoy it... live it, it seems to keep going....    As another dear friend Bernie that has been there the whole way, not next to me on the bike... but at every corner cheering me on,  he said of the article  "Just one chapter of your incredible journey....carry on. Congrats. !"  He's waiting for the book next!! hahahaha!!!!  Hummmm??? that could be interesting.... :D

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Someone to believe

Took a newbie out of the road today.  We road nice and slow and about 7 miles total.  I didn't want to frighten him away the first time as I know he wants to succeed in this for a number of reasons.  It was kinda funny as he had a wicked cool bike... a bit older but wicked cool!!!  A Cannondale of course...much, much fancier than mine :) hehehe.. Silly as it may seem, I just don't want to part with my Raleigh Racer. Simple, nothing fancy and it's good to me, so I'm going to ride the racer as long as it'll carry me.   So newbie did great,  Stopped about 5 miles in for a short walk as I pedal slowly to his left.  It's important that you listen to your body.  He did great tho, and next time we plan to hit 10 miles and after that 14.  As quickly or slowly as they need.  This particular cyclist has been putting it off for a very long time.  Took a year to get the bike tuned up and still sat and collected dust until today.  Although he cycled prior, actually cycled thru Alaska!!!!  450 miles total/7 days, with stops along the way, to horse back ride or ride in a helicopter... WOW!!!  how cool when I heard about his adventures.  Adventures I think he somewhat has forgotten about, or even lost.  Anyway... Some times we stop believing in ourselves, and then we find someone that believes in us, helps us along without even knowing it... Sometimes we just need someone to believe in us.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The next big idea

My first recreational ride after the race... I think without a doubt, even after I was a bit disappointed with the results of the last race... I'm back on track and focused.   Ralph and I did a 50.44 mile ride, it was Tour de Dutchess backwards!!!1   I loved it backwards, although I had to do the Dover mountain... Total elevations of +/- 3612.  Really a nice hilly ride.... with minimal climbs..    Total time 3:35, so not too bad.  On our ride we spoke briefly about the race.  Ralph spoke more of future rides and races.  He found the perfect race for me and I have to totally agree!!! and I have to say I'm really excited about the future challenge.  It is the Saratoga 12/24.  He also said there may even be a 6 hour race which I was thinking I could even possibly hit this year, but as I found out the race was actually last weekend, so no go on that...  Although that does bring to mind a potential problem.  If it is the same day as the PMRR next year as well, I will not be able to attend.  Hopefully the dates for both will come out soon.  The route is a 26 mile loop with mostly rolling hills, largely flat, and a few small climbs.  My strength is on the flats so this could actually be a great race for me..  The only thing I think will be hard is the time that I would need to allocate for the training... Because this is a long distance race, I would need to do more long rides devoting full days to training.  We will see???, I have a year to think about it/prepare for it... hahaha!!!!